Changes to short loan borrowing

Feedback from students indicates that the return time of 10:00am the following day deters some of them from borrowing short loans.
From Monday 17th January 2011, the short loan return time will be 13.00 on the day after issue. It does not matter what time of day you borrow a short loan book, it will be due back by 13.00 on the following day (weekends excepted).
Short loan bookings will also take effect from 13.00 each day - i.e. if you book a short loan in advance you should collect it from the Enquiry Desk between 13.00 - 14.30 on the day of your booking. Any bookings not collected will be returned to the shelves for other students to use.
Please remember that overdue charges on short loan books are high to ensure that they are kept available for as many students as possible and that you cannot renew short loans.