Library closure over the holiday period

Lots of students will be looking forward to a break after exams and before the start of second semester. We know, however, that lots of you still have course work to prepare and are planning to work during the University closure. The Library will be closed between 24/12/10 and 4/1/11 inclusive, but all the usual e-resources and online services that you can access off-campus will still be available.

If you need help using any of our resources don't forget that we have online guides that you may find useful. Just go to the self-help tab on the portal page for further details.

We will re-open on 5th January and will be offering a full service, including unstaffed self-service until midnight (Monday - Thursday) from that date.

New AV equipment booking system

We launched our new AV equipment booking system on Monday 13th December. Access to the booking form will be the same as at present - through the Information Services - Audio Visual Support page on the portal, but the form itself will allow you to see images and full descriptions of the items you book and you can check availability in advance to lessen the chances of your booking having to be rejected.
We would welcome any comments on the new system. Please email or pop a card in one of the suggestion boxes round the Library.

Library opening hours

Our longer opening hours have been in operation for a couple of weeks now, so we'd really appreciate some feedback on whether you find the extra opening useful? We're open until midnight Monday - Thursday and until 10.00pm on Friday and Sunday.
The Sunday late night opening is something new for this session in response to some suggestions we had last session.

Referencing and research drop-in sessions

If you need help with referencing, researching or finding books, e-books and journal articles for your coursework, come and ask a librarian! Drop-in sessions will take place in the IT Training Suite on Level 2 of the Library on :-

Friday 5th November - 12.00 – 14.00
Monday 8th November - 11.00 – 13.00
Friday 12th November - 12.00 – 14.00
Monday 15th November - 11.00 – 13.00
Friday 19th November - 12.00 – 14.00
Monday 22nd November - 11.00 – 13.00
Friday 26th November - 12.00 – 14.00
Monday 29th November - 11.00 – 13.00
Friday 3rd December -12.00 – 14.00
Monday 6th December - 11.00 – 13.00
Friday 10th December- 12.00 – 14.00

Come for as little or as long as you like! 5 minutes may be all you need.

Contact for more information


New look library catalogue

The library catalogue has a new look and improved functionality. Improvements include:
Search results are much clearer - it is now easier to see at a glance if the item you want is available or not.
You can now filter your results - making it much easier to locate particular items such as e-books, dvds, videos, projects and dissertations or digital equipment.
Links and, where available, preview from Google Books.
Book covers display for selected items
We'd love to get your views on the new look catalogue - and your ideas for further improvements.

New students

Welcome to all our new students. Lots of information for you on the Library web page

Quick use PC

Try out the new 'quick use' PC on level 2 of the Library if all you need is to check your email , look up the catalogue, or change your password .

Library opening hours

Remember - the Library is open until 19.50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the end of July. Full opening hours on the Library web page

Nursing students can use Knowledge Network (NHS elibrary)

If you are a nursing student at Abertay you can use the NHS elibrary, now renamed Knowledge Network.
This gives you access to many additional journals and e-books, and databases such as CINAHL (Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), as well as specialist portals, guidelines, and patient information.
Abertay Library is open until 19.50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the end of July. Full opening hours on the Library web page

Using ScienceDirect off campus

Check out this video covering how to log in to Science Direct from off campus
There are links to it from all the subject guides on the Library web page.

Access the Abertay network from other Universities

Students and staff can now use the eduroam service to access the Abertay network from 100s of Higher Education institutions across the UK and overseas. Eduroam will make it easier to work on the move, whether you are a student on vacation or a member of staff visiting another University.

Eduroam is a free wireless Internet service that allows you to log in to your home network, from any participating institution, using your network username and password. You will have access to the Internet, Portal, email, library resources, files via WebVPN, etc.

Eduroam will work with a laptop or other mobile device such as an iPhone or iPod. You will have to configure your laptop/mobile devide in advance. Help and instructions are available on the IS Service Desk Eduroam page.

Go to the site for a map of locations and a list of participating institutions.

Taylor & Francis e-books trial

We have arranged a trial of Taylor & Francis e-books for 1 month until 20 May.
You can access the eBook trial at
Contact the librarians for a password -
If you have any feedback on the trial - coverage, ease of use, etc, please let us know.

Writing up your Honours dissertation?

Information on formatting here.
Information on Harvard referencing here. Don't forget the Library dropins for individual advice - Wednesdays 11.00-13.00 in the Training Suite on level 2, and IT dropins Wednesdays 12.00-14.00, same place.
Information on binding here.

Students in Higher Education Institutions 2008/09

HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) publishes 'Students in Higher Education Institutions' annually. There is a copy in the Library, in the Pamphlets section at 378 STU, but check the contents here.

Survey Question Bank
The databank holds the questionnaires, in PDF format, from a range of major UK social surveys including for example the Scottish Health Survey, the British Crime Survey, and National Diet and Nutrition Surveys.

Springer e-books trial

As part of Abertay's SHEDL agreement we have been given 6 months trial access to around 16,000 Springer e-books across all disciplines.

Access Springer Link from the Library Resources A-Z web page

To browse books, select Subject Collection (xxx) then Content Type/Books then Language/English. Then just search for your topic "within these results".

Please give any feedback give about its usefulness for your subject areas to

Electronic reference books - Credo Reference

Did you know that the Library subscribes to a collection of 100 electronic reference books from a variety of publishers?
Sample titles are Cambridge World History of Food, Business German Dictionary, Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, and Collins Dictionary of Biology.
See the whole list here.
You may need to log in using your University login details. If you are working off campus, look for the list of institutions and find University of Abertay Dundee.

Suggesting a book for the Library

If there is a book you think we should have but don't - then tell us about it.
You can link to a suggestion form from the front page of the Library catalogue at or directly here.

Library dropin sessions

If you need help with referencing, researching or finding books, e-books and journal articles for your coursework, come along to a drop-in session with your questions. Every Wednesday from 3rd February to the end of Semester. 11am-1pm. IT Training Suite, Level 2, Library.

Suggesting a book for the library

If there is a book you think we should have but don't - then tell us about it.
You can link to a suggestion form from the front page of the Library catalogue at or directly here.

Trial of new features in library catalogue

Search and view records in Abertay library catalogue
Update 31 March - Trial now ended - you can still tell us what you thought!