Library Catalogue unavailable 26 May 18:00 to 23:00

Due to essential maintenance the library catalogue will be unavailable for 5 hours from 18:00 on Monday 26 May 2008. During this time you will be unable to search the catalogue, check your account or renew your books. We apologise for any incovenience.

Summer vacation opening hours

From 19th May to 7th September, library opening will be as follows:

  • Mon, Weds, Thurs, Fri: 8.45 - 5
  • Tues: 8.45 - 6.30
  • Sat, Sun: Closed

British History Online - free trial

British History Online - digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Trial access until 27th May.

Changes to LexisNexis

The interface for Lexis Nexis has been re-designed. Tutorials about how to search for cases, legislation, news etc. are available in the "How do I?" section on each search screen.

Inderscience journals - free trial

Free trial of over 200 journals in the fields of engineering and technology, management and business administration, and energy, environment and sustainable development. Coverage for each journal is for the last 2-3 years. Trial available until the end of June.